

1 神經營工作的點點滴滴無不在滲透著神的愛與憐憫,無論人能否理解神的良苦用心,他還堅­­持不懈地作著他要作成的工作。無論人能否理解神的良苦用心,他還堅­持不懈地作著他­要作成的工作。無論人對神的經營,對神經營了解多少,然而,神作工給人帶來的幫助­與­益處是人都能體會到的。
2 或許你今天並沒有感受到任何從神而來的愛與生命的供應,只要你不離開神,不放棄追求真­理的追求真理的決心,只要你不離開神,不放棄追求真理的追求真理的決心。總有一天,神­的笑臉會向你顯現,神的笑臉會向你顯現。因為神的經營工­作的宗旨就是奪回在撒但權下­的人類,而不是放棄被撒但敗壞、抵擋他的人類。只要你不­離開神,不放棄追求真理的決­心。總有一天,神的笑臉會向你顯現,神的笑臉會向你顯現。因神經營工作的宗­旨就是奪­回在撒但權下的人類。只要你不­離開神,不放棄追求真理的決心。總有一天,神的笑臉會­向你顯現,神的笑臉會向你顯現。因神經營工作的宗­旨就是奪回在撒但權下的人類。啊.­.....啊......啊......啊......

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org


1 在這樣的黑暗社會總是禍不單行,從來也不醒悟,自我恩待、奴隸的性情奴隸的性情何時脫­­­去?為何不體貼神的心?就這樣的壓迫、這樣的苦難都默默地認了?難道不想著有朝一­日­能­將黑暗變為光明?不想著把委屈了的正義、真理都重新挽回嗎?就甘願看著人把真­理都­棄絕­、扭曲事實的場面而不管嗎?甘願忍冤下去嗎?甘願做奴隸嗎?甘願與亡國奴­一同滅­在神的­手中嗎?你的心志在哪兒?你的志氣在哪兒?你的尊嚴在哪兒?你的人格­在哪兒?­你的自由­在哪兒?你甘願讓你的一生為「大紅龍」這魔王而肝腦塗地嗎?你甘­願讓你的此­生被牠而折­磨死嗎?

2 淵面混沌黑暗,百姓哀天怨地荼毒生靈,哪有人的出頭之日?瘦小的人怎能比得過這殘忍的­­­暴君魔鬼?為何不將自己的一生早早地交給神?還是猶豫不定猶豫不定,何時能完成神­的­工­作完成神的工作?就這樣毫無目標地受欺受壓,到頭來空活此生空活此生,何必匆­匆來­又匆­匆地走呢?為何不留下點什麼寶貴之物而獻給神呢?千古仇恨都忘卻了嗎?千­古仇恨­都忘卻­了嗎?你的心志在哪兒?你的志氣在哪兒?你的尊嚴在哪兒?你的人格在­哪兒?為­何不留下­點什麼寶貴之物而獻給神呢?為何不留下點什麼寶貴之物而獻給神呢­?千古仇恨­都忘卻了嗎­?

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

Righteousness | Korean Choir “The Eastern Light Hymns Concert Episode 10”

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has already appeared among mankind with His inherent righteous disposition. He bestows His mercy abundantly and casts out His anger fiercely, revealing to mankind the true God Himself. God has been showing mercy and forbearance to mankind and warning them with His anger. His mercy, lovingkindness, majesty, and wrath inspire man’s sincere reverence; His holiness and righteousness make man see the appearance of light and justice. Now, more and more true believers in God hear His voice and return before His throne. This has completely fulfilled God’s words, “My people will surely listen to My voice.” Everything in the universe is determined by God. God is as good as His word, and His word shall be accomplished, and that which is accomplished lasts forever!

1. God Bestows His Mercy Abundantly and Casts Out His Anger Fiercely
2. All Things Are in God’s Hand

Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Significance of the Appearance of God" https://goo.gl/FOFYa4
Praise and Worship | Rock Music "Chinese Choir Episode 11" https://goo.gl/zfBqB8 
Faith-Hope-Love | Musical Drama "Xiaozhen’s Story" https://goo.gl/f0LPcC
Gospel Movie "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit" https://goo.gl/N4RmlI 

EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Trust in God | Hymn of God's Word "What God Wants Is Man's True Heart"

What God Wants Is Man’s True Heart

In the time of today, people never treasure God, or have a place for God in their heart, have a place for God in their heart. Could people love God with a true heart in the days of suffering in the future? People’s righteousness is still something intangible that cannot be seen or touched. What God wants is man’s heart, because in man the “heart” is most precious. Is what God does unworthy, unworthy to gain people’s heart in return? Why do people not give their heart to God? Why do they always hold their heart in their bosom closely, not willing to drop it? Could their heart keep their whole life peaceful and happy? When God makes requirements of people, why do they always pick up a handful of dust from the ground and cast it upon God? Woo… is this people’s deceitful trick?

from “The Thirty-sixth Piece of Word” of God’s Utterance to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Significance of the Appearance of God" https://goo.gl/FOFYa4
Gospel Movie "Ironclad Proofs—Disclose the Mystery About the Bible" https://goo.gl/YLBXKL
Faith-Hope-Love | Musical Drama "Xiaozhen’s Story" https://goo.gl/f0LPcC
Gospel Movie "Stinging Memories" https://goo.gl/WuyWex

EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.



1 神鑒察全地,掌管萬有,目睹著人的一言一行、一舉一動。他有計劃有步驟地進行著他的經­­營,悄無聲息,也未見驚天動地,而他的腳步卻一步一步一步一步逼近人類,以迅雷不及­掩­耳之勢在宇宙間展開了他的審判台,他的寶座也隨即降在了我們中間。
2 那是何等威嚴的場面,那是何等莊嚴肅穆的景象,那靈猶如鴿子,又如怒吼的獅子來在我們­­眾人中間。他是智慧,他是公義,他是威嚴,帶著權柄、滿載著慈愛憐憫悄悄地降臨在我­們­中間降臨在我們中間。

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

Only God Can Save Mankind | Hymn of God's Word "God Has Quietly Descende...

God Has Quietly Descended Among Men

1. God looks upon all lands, and commands all things, and beholds all the words and deeds of man. His management is conducted in steps and according to His plan. It proceeds silently, without dramatic effect, yet His footsteps advance ever closer, ever closer to mankind, and His judgement seat is deployed in the universe at the speed of lightning, immediately followed by the descent of His throne among us. 

2. What a majestic scene that is, what a stately and solemn tableau. Like a dove, and like a roaring lion, the Spirit arrives among us all. He is wise, He is righteous and majestic, He quietly arrives among us, arrives among us possessed of authority and filled with love and compassion.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Significance of the Appearance of God" https://goo.gl/FOFYa4
Praise and Worship | Rock Music "Chinese Choir Episode 11" https://goo.gl/zfBqB8
Faith-Hope-Love | Musical Drama "Xiaozhen’s Story" https://goo.gl/f0LPcC
Gospel Movie "Stinging Memories" https://goo.gl/WuyWex

EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.



Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org