
Choir Song | Chinese Choir Episode 7 | Music Concert

1.God’s Own Identity and Position
2.God’s Substance Truly Exists
3.The Significance of God’s Name

Faith-Hope-Love | Xiaozhen’s Story | Musical Drama “ https://goo.gl/dY8dcA
Gospel Movie “Stinging Memories “ https://goo.gl/WuyWex
Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Holy Kingdom Has Appeared" https://goo.gl/1sRlQB
Kingdom Songs of Praise "See Who Testifies God Better" https://goo.gl/mQmXdd

God’s Own Identity and Position

1. God is the One who rules over all things, God is the One who governs all things. He created everything and governs everything, He also rules over and supplies everything. This is God’s position, and this is God’s identity. To everything and all things, God’s true identity is the Creator, and also the Ruler of all things. God has such an identity, which is unique among all things. No created being, among mankind or in the spiritual realm, can assume or replace God’s identity or God’s position in any way or on any pretext. This is because there is only One among all things who has such identity, such power, and such authority, and who can rule over all things. He is our unique God Himself, He is our unique God Himself.

2. He lives among all things and walks among all things. He can also ascend to the highest and above all things. He can humble Himself and become a man, becoming a member of men who have blood and flesh, who have blood and flesh, be face to face with men, and share joys and sufferings with men. At the same time, He governs everything, decides the destiny of everything, and decides the direction for everything to go forward. Furthermore, He guides the destiny of all mankind and guides the direction for all mankind to go forward. Anyone who has life should worship, obey, and know such a God. Therefore, no matter which part you are of among mankind, and no matter what kind of person you are among mankind, to believe in God, follow God, fear God, accept God’s sovereignty, accept God’s sovereignty, and accept God’s arrangement for your destiny, this is the only choice and obligatory choice, the only choice and obligatory choice for anyone, anyone who has life.

EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

God's Love | Chinese Choir Episode 8 | Praise and Worship

God’s Realness and Loveliness

Accompaniment: “To Adam also and to Eve did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.” In the picture, we see that God appeared as the parent of Adam and Eve. Ah … ah … ah … ah….

1. God created these two men, and He regarded them as His companions. As their only family,He took care of their life and their, their food, clothing, shelter, and travel. Here, God appeared as the parent of Adam and Eve. God created these two men (two men), and He regarded them as His companions (regarded them as His companions, companions). As their only family (only family), He took care of their life (ah) and their, their food, clothing, shelter, and travel (food, clothing, shelter, and travel). Here, God appeared (appeared) as the parent (the parent), appeared as the parent of Adam and Eve. In this thing God did, men cannot see God’s loftiness or God’s supremacy or God’s mysteriousness and unfathomableness, much less see God’s wrath and majesty. They only see God’s humbleness and lovingkindness, see God’s concern for man and His responsibility and loving care for man.

2. God treated Adam and Eve with the same attitude and in the same way as human parents are concerned about their children, also as human parents tenderly love, look after, and care for their children. It was true and real,visible and tangible. God treated Adam and Eve (Adam and Eve) with the same attitude and in the same way (with the same attitude and in the same way) as human parents are concerned about (parents are concerned about) their children (their children), also as human parents tenderly love, look after, and care for (tenderly love, look after, and care for) their children. It was true and real (true and real), visible and tangible (visible and tangible), visible and tangible. God did not stand in His lofty position but personally made the coats of skins for mankind and clothed them. Although this thing is simple and even not worth mentioning in men’s eyes, it causes all those who follow God but have been full of vague imaginations about God to see God’s realness, see God’s loveliness, and see God’s faithfulness and humbleness, to see God’s realness and loveliness and see God’s faithfulness and humbleness.

Accompaniment:“To Adam also and to Eve did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.” In the picture, we see that God appeared as the parent, the parent, the parent of Adam and Eve, appeared, appeared as the parent of Adam and Eve.

from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself (1)” in A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

造物主的真情呼喚 全能神教會國度讚美 中文合唱團 第九輯



Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

讚美可愛真實的神 全能神教會國度讚美中文合唱 第七輯

1 神是主宰萬物的那一位,神是管理萬物的那一位。他創造了萬有,他管理著萬有,同時他也­在主宰、供應著萬有,這就是神的地位,這就是神的身分。對於萬有來說,對於萬物來說,­神的真實身分是造物的主,也是萬物的主宰。神擁有這樣的身分,在萬物中是獨一無二的。­任何一個受造之物,在人類中的,還有在靈界的,都不能以任何的方式或者以任何的藉口來­冒充或替代神的身分、神的地位。因為具有這樣身分的、具有這樣能力的、具有這樣權柄的­、能主宰萬物的,在萬物中只有一位,那就是我們的獨一無二的神自己就是我們的獨一無二­的神自己。
2 他活在萬物中,在萬物中行走;他也能升為至高,在萬物之上;他能降卑為人,成為有血有­肉的人有血有肉的人中間的一份子,與人面對面,與人同甘共苦;同時,他掌管著萬有,決­定著萬有的命運,決定著萬有前行的方向;他更引導著全人類的命運,引導著全人類的前行­的方向。這樣的一位神是任何一個有生命的人都應當敬拜的、都應當順服的,也都應當認識­的。所以,無論你是人類中間的哪一部分人,你是人類中間的哪種人,信神、跟隨神、敬畏­神,接受神的主宰接受神的主宰,接受神對你命運的安排,這是任何一個人,任何一個有生­命的人唯一的選擇,也是必須的選擇。唯一的選擇,也是必須的選擇。
摘自《話在肉身顯現(續編)·獨一無二的神自己 八·神是萬物生命的源頭(四)》

摘自《話在肉身顯現(續編)·神的作工、神的性情與神自己 一》

1 雖然耶和華、耶穌、彌賽亞都是代表神的靈,但這幾個名只是代表神的經營計劃中的不同時­代,並不代表神的全部。在地之人所稱呼的神的名,並不能把神的所有性情與所是盡都說透­,只是在不同的時代對神有不同的稱呼。因此在末了的時代,就是最後的一個時代來到之時­,神的名仍然要改變,不叫耶和華,也不叫耶穌,更不叫彌賽亞,而是稱為大有能力的全能­的神自己,以這個名來結束整個時代。
2 神曾經叫過耶和華,也曾經被人稱為彌賽亞,人也曾經愛戴神叫神救主耶穌,今天神已不再­是人以往所認識的耶和華和耶穌,而是在末世重歸的、結束時代的神,滿載著神的所有性情­滿載著神的所有性情,而且滿有權柄、尊貴、榮耀地興起在地極的神自己。... ...

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org


《小真的故事》 告別假面 回歸本真


Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org



Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

Soul Searching | Gospel Movie “Stinging Memories”

Fan Guoyi was an elder of a house church in China. In his over twenty years of service, he imitated Paul, sacrificing for the Lord and working hard. He firmly believed that he was doing the will of the heavenly Father by pursuing in this way and he would surely be raptured to the kingdom of heaven at the return of the Lord. However, when the end­time salvation of Almighty God came upon him, he clung to his notions, rejecting, resisting, and condemning it time and time again.... Later, after several debates with preachers from the Church of Almighty God, Fan Guoyi finally woke up. He truly understood the meaning of doing the will of the heavenly Father and the way of pursuing to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven....At every thought of the past, the memories were stinging in his heart.


EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.