2014年8月14日,BBC中文網的一篇報道《「除魔」的中國全能神教》存在與客觀事實完全不符的嚴重問題。 BBC旗幟鮮明地站在中共立場上報導山東招遠麥當勞殺人這一事件,抹黑全能神教會,打擊宗教信仰自由。這樣誤導公眾、愚弄公眾的報導讓人心寒,也使BBC在億萬人心中的形像開始被顛覆。不管此前英國媒體BBC如何受歡迎,但對於一個新聞媒體來說,只有秉著公正、客觀、獨立,符合事實真相的宗旨進行報導才合民心、順天意。
2014年8月14日,BBC中文網的一篇報道《「除魔」的中國全能神教》存在與客觀事實完全不符的嚴重問題。 BBC旗幟鮮明地站在中共立場上報導山東招遠麥當勞殺人這一事件,抹黑全能神教會,打擊宗教信仰自由。這樣誤導公眾、愚弄公眾的報導讓人心寒,也使BBC在億萬人心中的形像開始被顛覆。不管此前英國媒體BBC如何受歡迎,但對於一個新聞媒體來說,只有秉著公正、客觀、獨立,符合事實真相的宗旨進行報導才合民心、順天意。
Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (8) - The Effect Achieved by God’s Work
Zhao Zhigang was an elder of the Local Church in China. Like hundreds of millions of Christians, his greatest expectation was to be raptured alive, to meet the Lord and reign with Him. In 1999, his religious leader released the message: “The Lord will return in 2000; all believers will be raptured alive.” He was greatly excited at the news, and pursued more fervently, waiting in full confidence… However, the year 2000 passed, and nothing happened. His expectation was unfulfilled and the Local Church fell into an unprecedented crisis, which forced him to reflect on the path he walked.
Later, with Almighty God's gospel of the descent of kingdom spreading to the Local Church, Zhao Zhigang and his co-workers had a series of profound fellowships and intense debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God about the viewpoints they believers in the Local Church had held onto for years… In the end, Zhao Zhigang saw through the true substance of religious antichrists deceiving man. He woke up suddenly and completely, embraced Almighty God’s work, and was raptured before God’s throne at last. He couldn’t help but sigh, “My rapture is such a peril!”
Rapture in Peril: Disclose the Mystery of the God-man Theory https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=30m7s
Rapture in Peril: Man Can Never Become God https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=49m53s
Rapture in Peril: Disclosure of the Theory "Two Spirits Mingling" https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h9m14s
Rapture in Peril: The Producing of Overcomers https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h32m52s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between God’s Work and Man’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h58m7s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Work of Men Used by God and That of Religious Leaders and Spiritual Figures https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h28m56s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Words in Accord With the Truth and the Truth Itselfhttps://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h38m12s
Rapture in Peril: The Effect Achieved by God’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=3h3m18s
EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.
Website: http://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/godfootstepsen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/churchAlmighty
Instagram: http://instagram.com/thechurchofalmightygod
Rapture in Peril (7) - Difference Between the Words in Accord With the T...
Zhao Zhigang was an elder of the Local Church in China. Like hundreds of millions of Christians, his greatest expectation was to be raptured alive, to meet the Lord and reign with Him. In 1999, his religious leader released the message: “The Lord will return in 2000; all believers will be raptured alive.” He was greatly excited at the news, and pursued more fervently, waiting in full confidence… However, the year 2000 passed, and nothing happened. His expectation was unfulfilled and the Local Church fell into an unprecedented crisis, which forced him to reflect on the path he walked.
Later, with Almighty God's gospel of the descent of kingdom spreading to the Local Church, Zhao Zhigang and his co-workers had a series of profound fellowships and intense debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God about the viewpoints they believers in the Local Church had held onto for years… In the end, Zhao Zhigang saw through the true substance of religious antichrists deceiving man. He woke up suddenly and completely, embraced Almighty God’s work, and was raptured before God’s throne at last. He couldn’t help but sigh, “My rapture is such a peril!”
Rapture in Peril: Disclose the Mystery of the God-man Theory https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=30m7s
Rapture in Peril: Man Can Never Become God https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=49m53s
Rapture in Peril: Disclosure of the Theory "Two Spirits Mingling" https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h9m14s
Rapture in Peril: The Producing of Overcomers https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h32m52s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between God’s Work and Man’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h58m7s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Work of Men Used by God and That of Religious Leaders and Spiritual Figures https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h28m56s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Words in Accord With the Truth and the Truth Itselfhttps://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h38m12s
Rapture in Peril: The Effect Achieved by God’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=3h3m18s
EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.
Website: http://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/godfootstepsen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/churchAlmighty
Instagram: http://instagram.com/thechurchofalmightygod
Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (6) - Differentiate the Way of Repentanc...
Zhao Zhigang was an elder of the Local Church in China. Like hundreds of millions of Christians, his greatest expectation was to be raptured alive, to meet the Lord and reign with Him. In 1999, his religious leader released the message: “The Lord will return in 2000; all believers will be raptured alive.” He was greatly excited at the news, and pursued more fervently, waiting in full confidence… However, the year 2000 passed, and nothing happened. His expectation was unfulfilled and the Local Church fell into an unprecedented crisis, which forced him to reflect on the path he walked.
Later, with Almighty God's gospel of the descent of kingdom spreading to the Local Church, Zhao Zhigang and his co-workers had a series of profound fellowships and intense debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God about the viewpoints they believers in the Local Church had held onto for years… In the end, Zhao Zhigang saw through the true substance of religious antichrists deceiving man. He woke up suddenly and completely, embraced Almighty God’s work, and was raptured before God’s throne at last. He couldn’t help but sigh, “My rapture is such a peril!”
Rapture in Peril: Disclose the Mystery of the God-man Theory https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=30m7s
Rapture in Peril: Man Can Never Become God https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=49m53s
Rapture in Peril: Disclosure of the Theory "Two Spirits Mingling" https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h9m14s
Rapture in Peril: The Producing of Overcomers https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h32m52s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between God’s Work and Man’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h58m7s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Work of Men Used by God and That of Religious Leaders and Spiritual Figures https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h28m56s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Words in Accord With the Truth and the Truth Itselfhttps://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h38m12s
Rapture in Peril: The Effect Achieved by God’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=3h3m18s
EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.
Website: http://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/godfootstepsen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/churchAlmighty
Instagram: http://instagram.com/thechurchofalmightygod
Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (5) - The Difference Between God's Work ...
Zhao Zhigang was an elder of the Local Church in China. Like hundreds of millions of Christians, his greatest expectation was to be raptured alive, to meet the Lord and reign with Him. In 1999, his religious leader released the message: “The Lord will return in 2000; all believers will be raptured alive.” He was greatly excited at the news, and pursued more fervently, waiting in full confidence… However, the year 2000 passed, and nothing happened. His expectation was unfulfilled and the Local Church fell into an unprecedented crisis, which forced him to reflect on the path he walked.
Later, with Almighty God's gospel of the descent of kingdom spreading to the Local Church, Zhao Zhigang and his co-workers had a series of profound fellowships and intense debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God about the viewpoints they believers in the Local Church had held onto for years… In the end, Zhao Zhigang saw through the true substance of religious antichrists deceiving man. He woke up suddenly and completely, embraced Almighty God’s work, and was raptured before God’s throne at last. He couldn’t help but sigh, “My rapture is such a peril!”
Rapture in Peril: Disclose the Mystery of the God-man Theory https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=30m7s
Rapture in Peril: Man Can Never Become God https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=49m53s
Rapture in Peril: Disclosure of the Theory "Two Spirits Mingling" https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h9m14s
Rapture in Peril: The Producing of Overcomers https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h32m52s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between God’s Work and Man’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h58m7s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Work of Men Used by God and That of Religious Leaders and Spiritual Figures https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h28m56s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Words in Accord With the Truth and the Truth Itselfhttps://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h38m12s
Rapture in Peril: The Effect Achieved by God’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=3h3m18s
EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.
Website: http://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/godfootstepsen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/churchAlmighty
Instagram: http://instagram.com/thechurchofalmightygod
Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (4) - The Producing of Overcomers
Zhao Zhigang was an elder of the Local Church in China. Like hundreds of millions of Christians, his greatest expectation was to be raptured alive, to meet the Lord and reign with Him. In 1999, his religious leader released the message: “The Lord will return in 2000; all believers will be raptured alive.” He was greatly excited at the news, and pursued more fervently, waiting in full confidence… However, the year 2000 passed, and nothing happened. His expectation was unfulfilled and the Local Church fell into an unprecedented crisis, which forced him to reflect on the path he walked.
Later, with Almighty God's gospel of the descent of kingdom spreading to the Local Church, Zhao Zhigang and his co-workers had a series of profound fellowships and intense debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God about the viewpoints they believers in the Local Church had held onto for years… In the end, Zhao Zhigang saw through the true substance of religious antichrists deceiving man. He woke up suddenly and completely, embraced Almighty God’s work, and was raptured before God’s throne at last. He couldn’t help but sigh, “My rapture is such a peril!”
Rapture in Peril: Disclose the Mystery of the God-man Theory https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=30m7s
Rapture in Peril: Man Can Never Become God https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=49m53s
Rapture in Peril: Disclosure of the Theory "Two Spirits Mingling" https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h9m14s
Rapture in Peril: The Producing of Overcomers https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h32m52s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between God’s Work and Man’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h58m7s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Work of Men Used by God and That of Religious Leaders and Spiritual Figures https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h28m56s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Words in Accord With the Truth and the Truth Itselfhttps://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h38m12s
Rapture in Peril: The Effect Achieved by God’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=3h3m18s
EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.
Website: http://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/godfootstepsen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/churchAlmighty
Instagram: http://instagram.com/thechurchofalmightygod
Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (3) - Disclosure of the Theory "Two Spir...
Zhao Zhigang was an elder of the Local Church in China. Like hundreds of millions of Christians, his greatest expectation was to be raptured alive, to meet the Lord and reign with Him. In 1999, his religious leader released the message: “The Lord will return in 2000; all believers will be raptured alive.” He was greatly excited at the news, and pursued more fervently, waiting in full confidence… However, the year 2000 passed, and nothing happened. His expectation was unfulfilled and the Local Church fell into an unprecedented crisis, which forced him to reflect on the path he walked.
Later, with Almighty God's gospel of the descent of kingdom spreading to the Local Church, Zhao Zhigang and his co-workers had a series of profound fellowships and intense debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God about the viewpoints they believers in the Local Church had held onto for years… In the end, Zhao Zhigang saw through the true substance of religious antichrists deceiving man. He woke up suddenly and completely, embraced Almighty God’s work, and was raptured before God’s throne at last. He couldn’t help but sigh, “My rapture is such a peril!”
Rapture in Peril: Disclose the Mystery of the God-man Theory https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=30m7s
Rapture in Peril: Man Can Never Become God https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=49m53s
Rapture in Peril: Disclosure of the Theory "Two Spirits Mingling" https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h9m14s
Rapture in Peril: The Producing of Overcomers https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h32m52s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between God’s Work and Man’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=1h58m7s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Work of Men Used by God and That of Religious Leaders and Spiritual Figures https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h28m56s
Rapture in Peril: The Difference Between the Words in Accord With the Truth and the Truth Itselfhttps://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=2h38m12s
Rapture in Peril: The Effect Achieved by God’s Work https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE?t=3h3m18s
EasternLightning | TheChurchof Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.
Website: http://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/godfootstepsen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/churchAlmighty
Instagram: http://instagram.com/thechurchofalmightygod
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